Thursday, March 19, 2009

These crazy hormones

My sister for some odd reason couldn’t stand me when she was pregnant with her third. And I of course never understood why, and then I became pregnant. I now have a select few people who I cannot stand since I’ve been pregnant, which is funny because I’m a genuinely nice person, and I’ve been even nicer since I’ve been pregnant. But … they drive me absolutely insane. Sadly I work with them and have to be in the same freaking building with them for 7-8 hours a day. One tries way too hard and is overly corny. There is just something about her trying to be perky asking me if I’m “awake”. Well of course I’m awake you stupid woman, I just don’t want to see your face. Okay, well I know I’m a little harsh but that’s just how I feel about her. The other on the other hand, has an attitude problem and needs to learn how to act her age. She bi*ch** and complains about everything and in my opinion she acts like her you know what doesn’t stink. I can’t even handle it. Maybe it’s because she works in a completely different department now and has zero seniority these days. Or maybe she is just bitter because I’m now the “go to” girl, or maybe it’s because I got employee of the month for the 2nd time…that’s right, it’s because I rock! All I know is that my pregnancy hormones are about ready to slug her in the face…ha-ha, not really, I could never do that to someone. But it’s awfully nice to think about right now! Needless to say today has dragged on for WAY TO LONG. End Vent :)

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! I felt the same way about a few people while I was prego! I hope to see you this sunday at Kathy and Gayles! Maybe we can do pics sunday beforehand...what are your plans?
