I had a doctor’s appointment on Friday afternoon and everything is still all sealed up! I’ve gained the biggest chunk of weight in the last two weeks than I have my entire pregnancy. I can’t help but to drop my jaw when I see that happen! I know its all for a good cause! But its just hard sometimes seeing the scale go up. I really don’t have room to complain, I’ve only gained 16 lbs total. Anyway, the doctor said that he would be surprised if anything happened anytime soon. And hey, lets be honest, that is good news to us right now! Although we can’t wait to meet our little guy, we have to move before he comes. I would really like to be settled in before we bring him home.
Did I mention that I get cranky in the evening?! Joe is such a trooper!
We rented the movie Seven Pounds on Friday night and I thought it was an awesome movie.
On Saturday night we ordered the UFC fights and had some friends over. Just in case you didn’t know this, Joe hasn’t missed one in 3 years. Do you know what that does for my cable bill? Ha-ha. And they totally put me to sleep these days! Maybe because I’m just so tired all the time!
We slept in together on Sunday (so wonderful!) then made breakfast, then I took a two hour nap, and it was so nice! When I woke up we went for a walk on the trail. Do to the rise of water that walk didn’t last long! One part of the trail was pretty flooded but we didn’t want to stop and go back home, so we ran through it! The water was up to the middle of my calves. I can’t even begin to tell you how Diesel got through that! Poor little girlie! I do have to admit that it was pretty fun! I think Joe thinks it’s more fun to watch me hold my belly and attempt to run!
It was so nice being able to sleep in two days in a row with Joe! I usually only get one! On Monday we got up and got ready and we were on our way to go get some lunch and to go see Star Trek. On the way there, this lady stopped at a green light on Bangater Highway for a fire truck. We luckily stopped in time as to NOT hit her, but the lady behind us had other plans, and hit us which made us hit the lady in front of us. I’ve never been in a car accident until yesterday and I’m going to have to admit that I was pretty shaken up. My bumpers are a little banged up and the bumper in front of us that we hit was a little banged up too, but all in all everyone was okay. When we all got out of our cars, everyone seemed to be really worried about the 8 month pregnant woman, but hey I’m fine! I do have to admit that I thought it was pretty retarded of this one onlooker driving by. As I’m standing outside the car with the other ladies and Joe, a guy who was in the other lane stopped asked me when was due. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind people asking but hello do you not see that we just got in an accident and you are asking me when I’m due then telling me when your baby is due…hate to break it to you dude, but I don’t care. I honestly just looked at him with the “are you freaking kidding me” look.
We still went to lunch afterwards because I was starving! Then we went to see Star Trek. Not going to lie, I really, really did not want to go see that movie. I told Joe the only reason I would go was because I love him and I think the main actor is smoking hot! And guess who loved that movie…me. I would definitely go see it again!
Things are starting to come together (kind of). We meet with our new landlords on Saturday, and hopefully we can start moving in on Sunday. Champ now has bedding for his crib thanks to G-ma Lisa! (She is my boss and more of a mom/friend than anything else).
Did I also mention that my hips are killing me? But I still love every minute of being pregnant!