It's been so long and Champ has changed so much. He is going to be 1 next month, woah!
He is our pride and joy and I don't know what we ever did without him.
Champ, at only 11 months old, has started to develop an attitude. When he is mad he straightens his whole body and throws his head back! This happens when...
*he is doing something he isn't supposed to be doing and I move him
and when
*he isn't done doing what he is doing and I pick him up or move him
This also comes with a scream! But its not really that bad and although frustrating at times, he gets over it in a matter of seconds, even when we are in a church for a baptism without a morning nap, as he tries to bite me, and throws his head into the back doors, then cries more...I still love him :)

Champ LOVES strawberries...thats my kid!!
Champ by the way, is huge! At his 10 month appointment he was in the 90th percentile for his height...I guess that means he is tall!? He is always trying to start walking. On the 17th he took his first four steps all by himself and he did it one other time for the babysitter and now every time we try to get him to do it again he just falls down and will crawl. But man does he have that crawling thing down!
And now we are getting super excited for Champ's 1st birthday party. He is having a "surfing monkey" themed pool party, woohoo!
We had a super fun Valentine's Day and Mother's day was great! We've had a few trips to the zoo, lots of trips to the park, and a trip to Jumpin' Jacks. We've gone to a couple baseball games, and Joe now plays softball!
I'm going to try and be better about this blog so I can be a blogger and a blog stalker, not just a stalker!
And P.S. we have another Bebe on the way! Its ETA is December 13th! Its going to be the 3rd (or 4th) grandbaby in that week of December. It was a little sooner than we had planned but everything happens for a reason I guess, and we are stoked...excited...and scared!