Well we did it! We made it through our first birthday and birthday party!
The week started off by Joe's mama coming into town on Monday.
Then Joe and I took Wednesday off for Champ's birthday. We stopped at Kohl's to get him his "Birthday Boy" outfit and then went to the zoo then Fetal Fotos (Champ's having a baby sister, woohoo!!) and then later on to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and games. On top of all that excitement, the little dude was teething and didn't take much of his much needed nap after Fetal Fotos. But he still had a blast at Chuck E Cheese! AND he was cranky because we stopped the bottle on Tuesday night and he just kept asking for his bottle...well he would sign it...kind of, regardless, we knew what he meant! We said hello cows milk and bye-bye bottle and formula!

Thursday Judie and I went out shopping for all the goods for the weekend, went to Joe's double header softball game and then went to Taylorsville Dayzz for "family night". Joe took Champ down the big slide, then he rode the carousel, then we played the little rubber duckie game, then the three of us went down the big slide and then we put Champ on the kiddie train by himself...I almost had a heart attack but he LOVED it as soon as it started moving. And the dude even made sure to strap him in nice and tight. Every time he'd go by we'd wave and say "Hey Champ" and already at one year old he gives us the "oh my gosh you are embarrassing me" look. I'm sure we have a lot more coming!
Friday we went back to T-ville dayzz and took him to the petting zoo which we both loved. I've been waiting for what seems like forever to me to take my baby to the petting zoo! Then, Joe and his mom went to Wendover and my sister and her family finally arrived. I LOVE having my big seester here, love it.

Saturday we had a bbq and had more family and some friends come over then went to T-ville Dayzz get again (what can I say, it was practically in my backyard!) and I took Champ to ride the ponies then we watched the fireworks.
And Sunday of course was the big birthday party day! I've had it planned for over a month. I called and talked to the guy in charge at the pool and made sure that everything we were planning was ok, then we get there on Sunday and I almost had a melt down. After a little freak out we got our way and party went off without a hitch.

Even with sunscreen on we all got LOTS of color and it seemed to me that everyone had a blast! We couldn't have done it without our family. They helped make food and cut fruit and put favor bags together! All the things that would have taken me forever!
Without Champ's morning nap he was kind of cranky. And was not a fan of everyone singing to him nor did he want to eat his cake or any other food for that matter...just watermelon! He did however enjoy opening his presents which all rocked!
After hours at the pool we headed back home, said goodbye to some family and then hit the sack. Poor little Champ woke up sick in the middle of the night which lead to me staying home with him and cuddling. We jumped back into bed after taking Joe to work and an airport run, put on Toy Story and got some much needed sleep. We slept from 8-12:30...oh so nice! Then the little bugger woke up sick again the next morning, puked all over my face and so he went to the Dr and Joe called in sick to stay home that day. Champ most likely got something that's been going around, but he's all better now...or getting there.
Thank you to all my wonderful and awesome family for putting up with me all weekend...the pregnant with a girl hormonal me :) and for all the help, and thank you awesome friends for coming and helping us celebrate Champ's birthday!